
About Me
Insurance 101: Tips and Tricks to Choosing the Right Policy

Since my parents always added me to their auto insurance policy when I was a teenager, I never learned how to make educated insurance policy decisions. When I moved out of my parents house at the age of 25 and it was time to get my own policy, I was overwhelmed with all of the decisions I had to make. Thankfully, my parents were eager to teach me what each insurance coverage option meant and what the best choices were for me. I learned a lot about insurance during this experience, and I am eager to share what I learned with others on my new blog. I also plan to include many tips on choosing health and homeowners insurance policies, so check back often if you want to learn a little more about insurance!


3 Ways To Save Money On Health Insurance

7 November 2017
 Categories: Insurance, Blog

Getting affordable health insurance is a very important concern for many people, which makes sense when you consider just how expensive health insurance can get and how risky it is to simply go without health insurance. Thankfully, there are a few options that can help you save money on health insurance, such as the three list below. 1. Do Not Make Your Decision Based On Premiums One of the best things that you can do when looking for health insurance is to avoid making your decision based on premiums alone. Read More …

3 Important Facts To Consider About Homeowner’s Insurance As A Homesteader

7 November 2017
 Categories: Insurance, Blog

Homesteading is defined as living a life of self-sufficiency, or in other words, you use what you have available to produce what you need to get by. For someone who is living the homesteading lifestyle on their home property, the rewards are great, but there are also some special considerations involved. Specifically, your homeowner's insurance can be affected by your homesteading activities. Too many homesteaders discover this fact after something has happened and they find out the incident will not be covered because of " Read More …

Own Your Own Company? Hire A Worker’s Compensation Attorney Now

6 November 2017
 Categories: Insurance, Blog

If you own a business, you never know if one of your employees will get injured. If this does happen, there are steps you must take immediately to prevent the employee from suing your company. One way to learn about everything is to hire a worker's compensation attorney now before anything does happen. Already having an attorney will make things go much easier and smoother for you as you will not have to take the time to find a good attorney. Read More …

Want To Lower Your Auto Insurance? Here Are Some Ways To Do It

5 November 2017
 Categories: Insurance, Blog

If you are having trouble paying the high cost of your auto insurance, or you are simply interested in lowering the bill as much as you can so you can have money for other things, you will want to review the following tips. Even making use of just one or two of them should help you save a substantial amount of money over the course of a year. Skip The Option Of A Lower Deductible Read More …

3 Things You Can Easily Do For Lower Auto Insurance

2 November 2017
 Categories: Insurance, Blog

One thing you will need to do is secure coverage on your vehicle. Doing so is critical to enable you to recover financially if you're in a collision. Of course, there are numerous costs you may encounter if a wreck does happen and it's important not to be without auto insurance.  However, keeping the cost of your auto coverage down is important and working towards reducing the cost of your coverage may be no your list of things to do. Read More …